
Showing posts from June, 2020

How to overcome greed

How to overcome Greed  We promised you in our previous post to talk simple techniques to conquer the 6 tools of suffering. So in this post, I am going to tell you the simple trick to control greed.                        What is greed? Whenever you say or feel "I want this" you get trapped in greed ! It's exactly like a mouse wants cheese desperately and falls in our trap. So, we have to control it. Because greed is like fire. As much as we try to grip it; the more we get burnt. On the other hand, if you can use it as a fuel you will get continuous motivation without depending on others. Realizing the greed in yourself: Oh don't consider yourself greedy!! But, friend We all are .., Let me give you an example -  Imagine A boy, Shyam studied a lot for his exam. But it went bad due to a very tough question paper. That night Shyam was too sad to study for the next paper.  Shyam knew that the exam went bad for the whole class, so nothing personal..but he can't

Why do we suffer?

Why Do We Suffer ? P eople usually search for ways to decrease their sufferings. Some resort to soul searching, some take daily dosage of motivations, while some other seek motivation and relief from meditations, hobbies and others. But like we solve each problem by finding out its root, for solving suffering, we need to get to the roots of why do we suffer. Because if we don't understand the causes, all the emotional motivations and plannings end up being worthless. Photo by MARCIN CZERNIAWSKI on Unsplash What is suffering? In Latin, the word Suffering consists of Sub (below) and Ferre (to bear). Sorrow is a feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment, or other misfortune suffered by oneself or others . " Suffering is the Pandora box of unpleasant feelings including frustration, sorrow, fear, anxiety, depression and others. " We all suffer, everyday, every point of time. From peer pressure to break up, from loss of job to get diagnosed with t